
We believe that each person should find the path that best suits their being, and the phase that they are going through in life. There is no universal method and we respect wholeheartedly the natural inclinations of each individual.

In this section you will be able to better understand how each of our professionals operates and assess whether it may be suitable for your needs.


The counseling style practiced at Centro Ka is called "integral"; it operates and works on all aspects of the human being: body, emotions, intellect and consciousness, while knowing that they all influence each other and are not separate. Book your free consultationfrom the Contact page.


What is RCT©?

Therapeutic Conscious Breathing Techniques © are meditative practices that use breathwork as a tool to promote the mental, emotional and physical well-being of the individual. This practice combines the four phases of breathing (inhalation, apnea of fullness, exhalation, apnea of emptiness) with synchronization, movements and the emission of specific sounds. 

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is an ancient discipline that combines physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation to balance the body and mind. Its profound essence lies in cultivating harmony and integration between the physical and the spiritual, promoting well-being and full consciousness.


Discovering your ability to create worlds and feel them as if they were real; this is the essence of scriptohealing, and we will use it to achieve three specific objectives to walk towards happiness. If you love writing this is definitely for you.

Energy Healing

This method works by finding energies that are stuck in the body and imbalances of various type, and releasing their energetical imprint. It works by using kinesiological muscle testing for the gradual elimination of trapped or leftover energies from events that could not be fully processed by the body when they happened, and all physical disturbances that may arise as a consequence. It is used successfully both on pets and humans.


Animal communication

If you wish to better understand your pet, whether it's to resolve behaviors, psychosomatic problems or strengthen your bond, we are here to connect with you in a special way. By releasing emotional distress, we help your pet feel more balanced, happy and healthy.